SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 8
27th November, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – Judging ourselves
‘For at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things’ (Romans 2:1).
We make hundreds of judgements every day – about other drivers on the way to work or the people we see on the bus, those we work with, the people we pass on the street or queue up with at the shops, the people we hear or read about in news items. Who hasn’t made judgements about the recent American elections!
It’s so easy to judge; however, as this verse points out, when we judge others, we are judging ourselves. We can’t make excuses for ourselves and judge others, as we are no different from anyone else. We all have our flaws. We all make mistakes and mess things up. We all say and do the wrong things.
We also can’t sit in judgement and rate sins on a scale of one to ten, with one being a small slip-up and ten being totally evil. It’s all sin. We’ve all sinned and deserve God’s judgement.
Verse 11 of this passage says, ‘For God does not show favouritism’. God does not show favouritism when it comes to judging sin, but he also shows no favouritism when it comes to his love or his grace and forgiveness. It’s there, for everyone who believes and anyone who asks.
God loves us and also all those people we are so quick to judge. He wants to shower his grace and forgiveness on them as well as on us. What’s more, he wants you and me to show his love, grace and forgiveness towards them too.
One of my wise mentors once told me, that whenever they are tempted to judge others, they remind themselves that the other is a person for whom Christ died.
Dear God, thank you for your love and the grace and forgiveness you shower on me. Help me to show that same love, grace and forgiveness toward others. Amen.
Prayer Points
We pray for all schools across Australia as students and staff prepare to finish a very difficult year and plan for the new year
We give thanks for our Year 6 students and pray for them as they transition to high school
We pray for our national and world leaders
We pray for the Truong, Tu, Vanuk and Vi families
Micah Award
To Jenni for leading with love and compassion.

To Kenny for showing courage in his work and in trying new things.

From the Principal
End of Year/Graduation 2020
As we come to the conclusion of a very difficult, unusual and dare I say it, unprecedented year, the school has been exploring suitable and appropriate ways to celebrate the Year 6 students as they prepare to leave our school and embark on a new adventure in secondary school. As we are unable to celebrate in the traditional manner, we have devised an alternative celebration for the Year 6 students.
The celebrations begin on the afternoon of Tuesday 8 December, as we have organized a Photo Booth to come to school to enable the Year 6 students to have photos with friends during the afternoon. Year 6 Parents will have an opportunity to have a photo with their child at the conclusion of the school day.
On Wednesday 9 December, the students will have a special Casual Clothes and Sausage Sizzle Day, organized and run by the Student Representative Council.
Thursday 10 December is scheduled to host our special Graduation Day celebrations. At 1pm, the Year 5/6 students will participate in a special lunch supplied by the school in the school hall. Following lunch, at 1.30pm there will be a modified Graduation Ceremony conducted in the hall. This event will be live streamed into the classrooms and to families who would like to be a part of the celebrations. Unfortunately, no parents will be allowed on site. During the ceremony there will be a number of special presentations and speeches.
The last day of the 2020 school year is Friday 11 December. During this day the students will have the opportunity to receive their reports and say goodbye to their teachers and friends before finishing the day at 12.15pm.
More details of these events will be distributed to relevant parties in the coming days.
What we are Learning
Prep / 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we have been talking about the good choices Jesus made while he lived here on Earth.
Ask us about how Jesus helped other people.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we have been learning about the First Nations Bedtime Stories told by Aboriginal custodians. We created journals of what we have learned. Ask us about Aboriginal stories and culture.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about Indigenous history and the importance of Dreaming. We have listened to stories told by Aboriginal story holders and custodians. We have completed activities to reflect on our thoughts and understandings. Ask us about what we have learned!

Year 5/ 6
Year 5/6 Students have been looking at the work of Huang Yung-Fu and responding to it with our own pattern and line cityscapes. Ask us about how we made them!