SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 8
29th November, 2019
Front Page
Devotion - Fully Equipped
God’s divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly religious life through our knowledge of the one who called us to share in his own glory and goodness. In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in this world, and may come to share the divine nature. 2 Peter 1: 3-4At my Queensland home there is a frangipani tree growing from under the eaves of an open carport. Poor tree. It is cumbered because of its position, yet it has managed to twist, turn and reach towards the light.The jacaranda on the fence line has a huge trunk, that is strong and leafy, a joy to behold, useful to lizards, insects and bird life. It’s well rooted and grounded and in no way restricted to grow.You could imagine that I favour the jacaranda. Not so. Both trees have everything they need to grow: soil, light, moisture. Each has its unique place, purpose and beauty. They both are a tribute to their Creator, whose divine power has ‘bestowed on them everything necessary for life’.No matter if you are a frangipani twisting and turning along life’s way or a magnificent Jacaranda, you have all you need in Christ Jesus. Taking in his light, his creative energy, his nourishing word, you will reflect his glory.
Prayer Points
We pray for the Year 6 students as their time at SCS comes to a close and they prepare for secondary school
We pray that God brings all those who are unwell or sick back to full health
We give thanks for a wonderful musical where the staff and students can use their talents to praise God
We pray for the Williams, Zathang and Zawro families
Micah Awards
To Dhal for showing courage and for displaying compassion to others
To Thomas for showing compassion to and appreciation of other students
From the Principal
There is a saying: ‘You can serve without loving, but you cannot love without serving’. Service involves selfless giving, loving others and making a difference in others’ lives by identifying and responding to their needs; this may be individually or collectively, and involves carrying out that service without expecting recognition or reward.
John 13:14-15 says ‘Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
To have a heart for service is to give of our love, time and energy without seeking a response. Jesus demonstrated his heart for service in the way he washed the disciples’ feet. Jesus gave his love, time, energy and gifts in response to the needs of others and to make a difference in their lives, without expecting recognition or reward. Therefore we should follow his example and put the needs of others ahead of our own personal agendas, without seeking recognition.
As the school year draws to an end we give thanks to those who have followed Jesus’ example and served the school faithfully. We thank the staff for their tirelesss and dedicated efforts to ensure the students are safe and receive the best education possible. We thank the students for the care and compassion they show in their service to each other. We also give thanks to the external organisations that have served the school so loyally; St Matthew’s Congregation, Pilgrim Uniting Church and Missionpoint Opportunity Shop have all been a blessing to our school.
What we are Learning
Prep / Year 1
In the Prep/1 classroom, we have been learning about speech bubbles.
You can help us think about what the characters might be thinking and saying in the pictures.
Year 1/ Year 2
In the Year 1/2 classroom, we are learning how to use a calendar. We identify dates. Students create ‘calendar’ questions e.g. which day is 2 days before 9th December?
Do a question & answer game together.
Year 3/ Year 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom this week we have been learning about angles. We have learnt about the types of angles and how to measure using a protractor.
You can help by asking us about the types of angles.
Year 5/ Year 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom, we have been learning about poetry. We have learnt about the type of poems and the features of poetry. We have created our own acrostic poems based on our book study, ‘Yong’. Ask us about the features of poetry.