SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 6 2021
12th November, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – In the light
Blessed are … those whose hope is in the Lord their God (Psalm 146:5).
In what – or in whom – do you place your trust? What are your hopes and dreams based on?
The psalmist addresses these questions as he proclaims how great is our Lord God! Our God is the creator of the universe – everything in heaven and on earth. He is reliable. God gives compassion to those in need. Those we forget, he remembers!
Why would we put our trust in other people? Why would we rely on political leaders or technology to save us? Given the events of recent times, we must see how fallible our leaders are. And we seem to find that our technology creates as many problems as it solves. Sometimes even bigger problems! The prophets of old laughed at those who took a lump of wood. They used part of it to cook their dinner, part to build some furniture and the rest to make an idol in which to trust. Are we really that much different? The psalmist proclaims we have this mighty God who wants a relationship with us – and this God not only has the power to save, but he wants to save!
As we read this psalm, we are easily drawn to how our Lord Jesus fulfilled this Scripture. In his life, death and resurrection, he saved us all. He set us free; he gave us sight. We see that this Jesus is through whom all things were created. This Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, died for you. He wants a relationship with you. Put your trust in Jesus – he remains faithful forever.
Holy God, worthy are you to be praised. Help me to turn to you for help. Teach me to trust you more and more each and every day. Thank you for your dear Son, and that through him, I am forgiven. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks that the Year 3 and 4 students enjoyed a wonderful camp at Tandara Lutheran Camp
We give thanks that the year 5/6 class enjoyed a their excursion to Trees Adventure
We pray for the Truong, Vanuk and Vi families
Micah Award
To Bawi for showing compassion and kindness to others

From the Principal
Year 3 and 4 camp
I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121. This text was emblazoned across the top of the stage area at Tandara Lutheran Camp, the venue for the recent Year 3 and 4 camp. It is such a beautiful and apt message, especially due to the location of the campsite in the picturesque Grampians. It is not hard to be reminded that God is indeed the creator and sustainer of the heavens and the earth in such a magnificent setting. He was ever present during the camp giving strength and comfort to the students as they undertook new experiences in unfamiliar territory. We can give thanks that the students had a wonderful learning experience, were kept safe and were able to build stronger relationships with other students and the teachers. Many thanks must go to Miss Bourtzis, Miss Mead and Mrs. Truong for the care they showed to the students throughout the camp.
End of Year/Graduation 2021
This year’s special graduation celebrations will be held on Thursday 9 December. Once again, due to COVID restrictions, we have decided to have alternate arrangements for these celebrations. At 1pm, the Year 5/6 students will participate in a special lunch supplied by the school in the school hall. Following lunch, at 1.30pm, a modified Graduation Ceremony will be conducted. This event will be live streamed into the classrooms and to families who would like to be a part of the celebrations. Unfortunately, due to restrictions, no parents will be allowed on site. During the ceremony there will be a number of special presentations and speeches.
The last day of the 2021 school year is Friday 10 December. During this day the students will have the opportunity to receive their reports and say goodbye to their teachers and friends before finishing the day at 12.15pm.
More details of these events will be distributed to relevant parties in the coming weeks.
What we are Learning
Prep / One
In the Prep/1 classroom we are learning to edit our writing.
We need to ensure there is a capital at the start of each sentence and a full stop at the end of each idea. If we don’t use a full stop after each idea, our sentences are too long.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning how to gather data from column graphs and tally marks. We also construct our own data displays to show our understanding of this concept.

Year 3/ 4
The Year 3/4 class has spent the week at Tandara Lutheran Camp! We did some fun outdoor activities and had an amazing time! Ask us about all of the things we did on our trip!

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been consolidating our work on patterns and using function tables to predict future numbers in patterns. Ask us about how we can find rules for our patterns.
