SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 2 2021
15th October, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – A wish is granted
That night God appeared to Solomon, and said to him, ‘Ask what I should give you’ (2 Chronicles 1:7).
Have you ever wondered what you would wish for if you were asked for three wishes? It’s tantalising, isn’t it? Would you want wealth, beauty, power, smaller feet, curly hair, world peace, an end to lockdowns and a cure for COVID-19? Stories about Aladdin’s lamp and wishes coming true have featured in fairy tales for generations, but Solomon hits the jackpot! God asks him what he wants and actually makes good on the request. And not only does Solomon get what he wished for, but God adds on riches, possessions and honour. Wow! That is an amazing response.
I ask God for a lot of things. There are many people who I pray for on a regular and irregular basis. I don’t keep tabs on how these prayers are answered, but I know God hears those prayers and some responses have been over and above what I could have expected.
If we fast forward to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, I find his reference to King Solomon most interesting. We have Solomon, who has wisdom and knowledge plus riches and possessions. Yet when Jesus tells us not to worry about life, he suggests that we ‘consider the lilies of the field … Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these’. And as I look at the lilies, freesias, bluebells, daisies, sweet peas and all of the other spring flowers blooming in my garden today, I have to agree that nothing made by humans can match them for colour, form, perfume and beauty! Jesus then suggests that we don’t need to worry as God is there looking after us. There is also the promise: ‘Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:25).
Solomon is not the only one that God is going to shower with blessings. God will also look after each of us in every way. All we need to do is trust. Let’s just do it!
Loving God, thank you for hearing our prayers and answering them so generously. Please strengthen our faith in you so that when we worry, we recognise that you are looking after us and that you will provide for all of our needs in ways far beyond what we can imagine. Amen.
Prayer Points
We ask for a safe return to onsite learning for the Prep/1 and 2/3 classes next week
We pray for all who are sick and suffering at this time
We ask God to bless and give encouragement to all who are struggling and facing difficulties during the lockdown
We pray for the Thang, Tiehi and Tingpaw families
Micah Award
To Shwesiami for showing courage to work hard which shows quality in her work.

From the Principal
Return to onsite learning
It is with great excitement that we begin the process of welcoming students back to school. The teachers and staff are very excited to welcome the younger classes back next week: Prep/1 from Monday to Wednesday and Year 2/3 on Thursday and Friday. The Year 3/4 and 5/6 classes will need to wait another week before their turn arrives.
No doubt parents will be very much looking forward to sending their children back to learning onsite at school, but may also be quite nervous about this as well. We are experiencing trying times, and I expect this will continue over the coming weeks and months. Parents will be concerned about the safety of their children as they return to school. Families will face the stress of being able to drop one child off at school, but having to tell another child they must learn from home. This can be heartbreaking; however, we are bound by the law of the land. Yet although we must follow the direction of the government, as a Lutheran school we can focus on caring for our students and instilling hope. We have confidence and hope in God that these earthly issues are only temporary and greater things await. We take comfort in the words of Paul in Corinthians, as he reminds us that our God is a God of compassion who comforts us in all our troubles and gives us strength.
The school has planned thoroughly and worked diligently to put procedures in place to keep students as safe as possible. We have increased cleaning routines to ensure high touch surfaces are cleaned and sanitized regularly. Teachers will continue to educate the students on maintaining high standards of hygiene including the washing of hands and sanitizing. The classrooms will be set up to allow for as much social distancing as possible, with as much ventilation as possible.
Face masks
As you will be aware it is now mandatory that all Year 3 – 6 students must wear a mask whilst indoors at school. It is also highly recommended that students in Prep to Year 2 wear a mask. Staff will assist the students to wear the masks correctly. If your child is wearing a reusable mask, please ensure it is clearly named.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom, while playing dominos we are on the search for doubles! Once we find them, we have to record them.
Ask us to find the doubles and we will show you.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning about Australian coins and notes in Year 2 and lines and angles in Year 3.
You can help by asking us the value of different Australian coins and how we can recognise angles at home.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we are learning about Procedural writing. We are learning how to follow instructions to make something. This week we made pirate hats! You can help by asking us what a procedure is.

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we are continuing to read our literacy circle novels. We then meet to discuss our ideas and responses to the content.
