SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 10
11th December, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – Judging ourselves
The Word became a human being and full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father’s only Son. (John 1:14).
The Christmas story means different things to different people. This year I’ve been struck by one thing in particular: the Christmas story is a very effective manual for witnessing.
The gospel accounts tell a simple story. They show how the story was first shared with and then spread by, simple people. Shepherds, told that the Saviour had been born, went and saw, then went and told. They praised God to anyone who would listen. In or near the Temple an old man and an old woman recognised the child for who and what he was and told people about him. Wise men from the east came to worship him.
And the story is told so simply. Even at the beginning of John’s gospel, which contains some profound theology, the core message is beautifully simple: ‘The Word became a human being and full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father’s only Son.’
The good news for those who have no church background is also beautifully simple. We who have been to the manger and have found things to be just as God said they would be are now sent to tell others. We are sent to sing God’s praises and to tell anyone who will listen about the wonderful God who loves, forgives and restores them too.
Father, thank you for bringing me your gospel in words I can understand and in the Word who understands me. Help me to share the good news in words that are equally simple. Amen.
Prayer Points
We pray for the Year 6 students and their families as their time at SCS has come to a close and they prepare for secondary school
We pray for those students and families who have moved house and are going to new schools next year
We pray for the new Prep students as they prepare to begin their journey at SCS
We pray for the Vuong, Williams, Zathang and Zawro families
Micah Award
To Joshua for displaying the school values consistently.

To Johnny for showing courage in his work and making great improvements.

From the Principal
I would like to extend our thanks to all of our parents and the wider school community who have helped the school navigate through a very challenging year. The staff and students appreciate the support you have shown to the school, not only through the remote learning period, but also during on site learning. Thank you for your understanding and compliance to the ever-changing rules we have faced this year. Your love and care has enriched the students’ learning and has enabled the teachers to do their best for the students. You have been a true blessing to our school and we look forward to your involvement again in 2021.
The diligent and devoted staff also need recognition and the highest praise for the way in which they approached this year. To adapt and thrive in the remote learning period is a true testament to their professionalism and their unwavering commitment to each child in their care. They have been a shining example to the students of ‘Living as children of the light’.
We say farewell to the following families and wish them God’s blessings as they embark on a new phase in their lives: Tingpaw, Khithie, Phu, Fachhai, Joseph, Lin, Aubi, Williams.
Next year our school year commences with our Opening Worship at 9:00am on Thursday 28 January 2021. Further information will be provided as to whether parents and friends will be able to join us in the hall to begin our school year in God’s name. 2021 Prep students will begin their school year on Monday 1 February.
The staff of Sunshine Christian School wish all of our families and friends a very blessed and safe Christmas season. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year after a restful and relaxing holiday break.
Please take note of important dates, especially those relevant to the beginning of the 2021 school year. Students in Years 1 – 6 will begin on Thursday 28 January, whilst the Prep students will begin on Monday 1 February.