SCS Newsletter Term 4 Week 10
13th December, 2019
Front Page
Devotion – Rejoice in the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 4 -7 It is the third week in advent; the third candle on the advent wreath will be lit, bringing with it excitement and a sign that Christmas is coming closer, just in case we have escaped relentless advertising campaigns encouraging us to spend, spend, spend, as if Christmas isn’t Christmas unless a lot of money changes hands.Christmas cards, another sign of Christmas festivities, have begun to arrive declaring, amongst other things, messages of joy and peace for the Christmas season. Frantic preparations for Christmas seem at odds with these messages and it is becoming more and more difficult to see Jesus at the centre of this once a year focus on his birth.However, in our hearts is the knowledge that we celebrate at all times, as well as at Christmas because our Lord is always with us, bringing a particular peace into our hearts. It is not just the peace that is the absence of war; it is not just the peace that is the opposite of anxiety. It is a peace that is beyond anything we can understand because it is the peace that comes to us through the love and care of God, brought to life through the birth of a tiny child. This is the tranquil peace of those who are loved and the peace of forgiveness, no matter how undeserved it may be. There is much to rejoice, not just at Christmas, but always.Heavenly Father, may I experience the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding this Christmas season. Amen.
Prayer Points
- We pray for the Year 6 students and their families as their time at SCS has come to a close and they prepare for secondary school
- We pray for those students and families who have moved house and are going to new schools next year
- We pray for the new Prep students as they prepare to begin their journey at SCS
- We pray for a safe and blessed Christmas for all our families
Micah Award
To Amber for always striving for the highest quality of work
CCC Award
To Darcy for displaying outstanding citizenship and compassion this year
Isabel Bell Award
To Miriam for displaying outstanding Christian character this year
From the Principal
I would like to thank all of our wonderful parents and the wider school community who have helped to make 2019 such a great year for our school. The staff and students appreciate the support you have shown to the school. Your love and care has enriched the students’ learning and has enabled the teachers to do their best for the students. You have been a true blessing to our school and we look forward to your involvement again in 2020.
The diligent and devoted staff also need recognition and the highest praise for the way in which they approach each day and each student. The trust they place in each other and the collegiality they have is truly a gift. They have been a shining example to the students of ‘Living as children of the light’. I would like to thank each one of them for their efforts.
We especially turn our thoughts to Mrs Karen Klein, Mrs Anna Peska and Pastor Sam Davis. We thank them for their dedicated service to Sunshine Christian School and wish each of them and their families every blessing as they embark on a new stage in their lives.
Next year our school year commences with our Opening Worship at 9:00am on Wednesday 29 January 2020. We invite all parents and friends to join us in the hall to begin our school year in God’s name. 2020 Prep students will begin their school year on Monday 3 February.
The staff of Sunshine Christian School wish all of our families and friends a very blessed and safe Christmas season. We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year after a restful and relaxing holiday break.