SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 8 2023
1st September, 2023
Front Page
Devotion: In the cloud
God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13a).
In modern times, we know about the cloud. It’s where all our personal information is stored. Everything we’ve searched, googled, or inquired into, documents we’ve saved: It would appear that nothing about our identity is private anymore. Yet technology, as amazing as it is, will never be able to emulate the omnipotence and omnipresence of our Creator God. Absolutely nothing in all of creation is hidden in any cloud from God’s sight. We read in today’s reading of another cloud: God’s cloud, which continues to guide and protect us. It is the same cloud that shielded Moses and the Israelites. It is a cloud that God has provided – one that will come in the clouds and always reigns far superior: Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:7).
In our troubled world, we see chaos and suffering. The media has made it all too accessible, and for many of us, our hearts are grieved by the affliction that others endure in this world. Yet we live protected as if living within a cloud. When we take up the armour of God daily, we can feel assured that Jesus walks beside us: our champion who has defeated the enemy. Though tempted to doubt, fear and live troubled by the many cares of this world, we can stand assured that our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is with us through all the battles that life throws us.
Loving Creator God, speak to us daily through your holy word, so we can ponder your wonderful gift and hear your calling without doubt, temptation or fear. Let us hear and listen to your voice and mind our thoughts, feelings and actions so we can respond in love to you and our neighbours through the reading and meditation of your word. Teach us to believe in your promises, so we need not be ashamed but grow in faith to stand atoned before you. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks to God for our office staff, Fiona and Viet who bless our school through their work
We pray for the members of St Matthew’s Lutheran Church and ask God to continue to bless them
We pray for the Huynh, Pham and Phan families
Micah Award
Rusty for showing courage and compassion

Victoria for showing service and compassion.

From the Principal
The Apostle Paul implores us in 1 Corinthians 11:1 to “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ”. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to live our lives.
At Sunshine Christian School we recognize and celebrate students who strive to live out their lives in the example of Jesus. One of the special ways we do this is through the presentation of the ‘Micah Award’. The school presents Micah, a toy koala, each week at Monday Whole School Worship to a student who has displayed one or more of the school values during the previous week or over an extended period of time.
Often parents give much thought to naming their child, choosing a name that means something special. Similarly, the school chose Micah’s name for a special reason. His name comes from the book of the bible named Micah. Micah 6:8 says:
‘He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?’
The Micah award is built upon this verse and the values it depicts. We want our students to strive to follow God’s example and to live the way that Jesus lived his life…with courage, compassion, service and forgiveness. All of our students are gifts from God, and we encourage the students to grow in Christ-likeness and live out these values with humility.
What we are Learning
Prep / 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are learning about Mass. We are comparing the weight of different things.
Give us a few items to compare the mass of!

Year 1/ 2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are learning to arrange words in alphabetical order.
Year 1 students arrange words according to the first letter of the word and Year 2 arrange words to the 2nd and 3rd letter.
Ask them to show you how we do this in class!

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom, we have been learning to take different roles in analysing the book.
Ask us about our role in our learning project.

Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been learning about different types of angles.
We have looked at complementary and supplementary angles to help us identify unknown angles.
Ask us if we can find any angles at home.
