SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 10 2023
15th September, 2023
Front Page
Devotion: Given and received
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3).
When did the religious faith that was passed on to you become your own? Some of us may have had a conversion as an adult leading to baptism. For some of us, the lights came on gradually; for others, it was an epic, vivid experience. Some of us who grew up baptised in the faith just always believed (which was my experience). Yet, I distinctly remember a time in my teens after doing the whole ‘going to church because my parents made me’ thing where I thought to myself, ‘I’m just going to read Gideon’s NIV New Testament and check it out for myself’. I specifically remember reading 1 Corinthians 15:3–8 with wide-eyed wonder, and even with my un-theologically-trained eye, thinking, ‘This must be where we get some of the Apostles’ Creed from!’
This verse tells us so much in so few words. It tells us that faith is meant to be passed on – given and received. It tells us that talking about our faith – what it is and why we believe it – is just what Christians do! It is in our DNA. Faith is meant to be passed on from friend to friend, sister to brother, parent to child (or even child to parent!). In this verse, we get both a personal testimony from Paul and an early creedal statement that did indeed form the basis of latter official creeds of the church.
If you haven’t done it before, here is something worth role-playing. How would you respond if someone asked you what you believe and why? (Maybe spend a minute now or later and write down your response.)
Even in this brief creedal nutshell, Paul personalises this faith statement by owning up to his own ‘warts and all’ experience of railing against the early Christians in verses 8 to 10. I reckon that is pretty gutsy and honest. What is powerful, though, is that he contrasts it with what coming to believe in the gospel meant for him personally; he went from hating on it to heralding it big time!
Prayer Points
We give thanks to God for the people who have shared their faith with us.
Give us the opportunity to share our faith with others and give us the courage to do it.
We pray for the Cheng, Rengthlang and Recinos-Szust families
Micah Award
San Khaw for showing service and compassion.

Dhal for showing courage and compassion

From the Principal
As we come to the end of a very busy Term 3, our thoughts and planning turn to Term 4 and further beyond into 2024. There are few key items which I would like to bring to your attention.
2024 School Fees
I am pleased to announce that the School Board has approved keeping the school fees the same as 2023. There will be no increase for next year. This decision is in recognition that many of our families are ‘doing it tough’ in the present financial climate and the school wishing to support our families and community.
Please remember that if any of our families are struggling with paying fees to come and speak to myself so that we can arrange a payment plan.
Returning students
In order for the school to plan class structure and gain new enrolments we ask families to let the school know as soon as possible if your child/ren will not be returning to Sunshine Christian School next year.
Term |
Students Start |
Students Conclude |
Public Holidays/Student Free Days |
Term 1 |
Tuesday 30 January |
Thursday 28 March |
Teacher PL Days: Wednesday 24, Thursday 25, Monday 29 January Labor Day: Monday 11 March |
Term 2 |
Tuesday 16 April |
Friday 28 June |
Student Free Day: Monday 15 April ANZAC Day: Thursday 25 April King’s Birthday: Monday 10 June |
Term 3 |
Tuesday 16 July |
Friday 20 September |
Student Free Day: Monday 15 July |
Term 4 |
Tuesday 8 October |
Friday 13 December |
Student Free Day: Monday 7 October, Report Writing Day: Monday 4 November Melbourne Cup: Tuesday 5 November Teacher PL Days: Monday 16, Tuesday 17 December |