SCS Newsletter Term 3 Week 10 2022
16th September, 2022
Front Page
Devotion – Not another set of impossible goalposts
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners (Mark 2:17).
Who is worthy of salvation? We are very blessed that we don’t live in some comic book or movie universe where salvation is like Thor’s magic hammer that only those who are worthy can access. Why? Because no-one is righteous enough to be worthy.
However, modern society certainly likes to focus on being ‘righteous’. The world is caught up in proving, doing and being good enough to be accepted. Cancel culture and purity culture police the internet and all we say, leading to a set of impossible goalposts that we will never reach but still strive to achieve to be perceived as ‘righteous’ enough for acceptance within wider society. This is both mentally and physically exhausting.
This text encourages us to reflect on the life-changing fact that Jesus did not come to call the righteous but came to call the sinners. Unlike what the Pharisees believed, the Messiah did not come only to save those who are already righteous. This is a very good thing because no-one except for Jesus is righteous. If God operated the same way the Pharisees expected, no-one would be considered worthy enough for salvation. We would certainly be in big trouble if this was the case.
This text reveals how desperately we need Jesus because we will always fall short of righteousness. This text also provides comfort: we don’t need to constantly strive to be perfect or worthy or to say the ‘right’ things that society expects us to. Instead, through Jesus, we receive total acceptance based on what he has done for us, not on our performance.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that we don’t have to prove ourselves worthy enough or righteous enough for salvation! Thank you for sacrificing your Son so that we can be brought into your presence. Amen.
Prayer Points
We thank God for a wonderful term of learning and ask for a safe and enjoyable holiday time
We pray for strength and comfort to the Gheysar family who lost their house to fire recently
We pray for the Sang, Pham & Phan families
Micah Award
To Ruby for showing service and compassion.
To Charlotte for showing courage.
From the Principal
Book Week Celebrations
This week we have been celebrating Book Week. The teachers organized special rotations on Thursday based around some of the short-listed books for 2023.
Premiers Reading Challenge
It is wonderful to report that all our students have completed this year’s Premiers Readers Challenge. Congratulations to each student and to the staff who encouraged and helped the students reach their goals.
What we are Learning
In the Prep classroom we are learning how to create picture graphs when we are given data.
You can show us a graph and ask us what is the most popular answer!

Year 1/2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are learning about measuring the mass of objects on scales and comparing their weights. You can help by asking us to tell you what objects we have measured and what units of measurement we used.

Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about the book ‘The Boy and the Elephant’. During Book Week activities we created a ‘forest in the city’ like the one in the book.

Year 5/6
In Year 5/6 we spent the week painting the interior of the cubbies after all our preparation this term! We had a lot of fun! Ask us about how we made it look as professional as possible.
