SCS Newsletter Term 2 Week 8 2021
11th June, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – God gets our attention
And suddenly from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting (Acts 2:2)
In mid-April 2021, my state of Western Australia experienced severe weather when Cyclone Seroja hit.
It was a deadly tropical cyclone that brought historic flooding and landslides to portions of southern Indonesia and East Timor and later went on to impact Western Australia’s Mid-West region. People who had never experienced a cyclone told of sheltering in their homes and being terrified by the sound outside of the powerful winds. The cyclone wreaked havoc and caused massive destruction and, sadly, well over a hundred fatalities in parts of Indonesia.
When wind and rain combine, the last thing we would expect is for a fire to survive. Water quenches the flames, and they are extinguished.
Wind without rain can indeed fan a small spark into a bushfire, which we’ve also seen so often in Australia. The power of the wind is an amazing energy source that, when harvested, can also produce electricity that we can use to benefit our way of life in so many ways.
We know what the normal effects of wind combined with other things can do.
To get Jerusalem’s attention that first Pentecost morning, the sound of a mighty wind was heard. The amazing sight of small tongues of fire could be seen. Speaking in strange languages connected with many nationalities of people.
God used the sights and sounds to get people’s attention long enough for Peter to bring God’s word to the masses.
The Holy Spirit was unleashed into the world and is still doing what it does best – leading people to hear about Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
What has God used to get your attention to be drawn closer to Jesus?
Prayer Points
We pray that the Holy Spirit pours into our lives so that we are drawn closer to Jesus
We give thanks for our return to on-site learning and for God’s protection during the recent lockdown
We give thanks for our dedicated teachers and student support officers who work tirelessly for the students
We pray for the Lam, Lian and Luthyng families
Micah Award
To Samuel for showing love and compassion to others.

To Leilani for showing courage and quality in her work.

From the Principal
Return to School
It was fantastic to see the children returning to school today after our fourth lockdown. It never seems to get easier dealing with remote learning, as each new lockdown brings heightened anxiety and stress. However, I am extremely proud of our community and the manner in which we have dealt with difficult circumstances. The staff continue to put an enormous effort into ensuring the wellbeing of the students is catered for while also providing a rich and worthwhile learning experience. We have seen wonderful improvement in the way students have coped with the challenges of learning at home and in their growing independence and responsibility for their learning. A very big thank you to all our parents who have sacrificed their time and energy in assisting their children at home. Everyone’s efforts are greatly appreciated!
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we have been learning about mass and capacity. We can show you how we compare the mass of different objects by hefting.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We create 3D shapes and investigate their features. You can help by asking us about the features of shapes and objects at home.

Year 3/ 4
During Remote Learning, the Year 3/4 class has been learning about money. We have used coins and notes to help us add totals and give change. You can help us by playing shop games with us and ‘buying’ things: we will give you change!

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom next week is Junk Food Free as part of our Healthy Eating Challenge. You can help us by not buying any junk food and encouraging us to not eat junk food this week.
