SCS Newsletter Term 2 Week 6
3rd June, 2022
Front Page
Devotion – God, our lifeguard
Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked (Psalm 97:10)
Our God delivers us from the hands of the wicked. We pray in the Lord’s prayer, deliver us from evil. God guards the lives of those who are faithful.
I find it reassuring that there are lifeguards on the beach. Although some people are confident in and around water, I am not. I make sure that I don’t venture too far. I make sure that I stay between the flags (even though the most I do is wade in shallow water).
Here, the psalmist tells us that God is our lifeguard and deliverer. The psalmist also tells us in verse 2 that the foundations of his throne are righteousness and justice. Then in verse 6, they say that everyone is able to see God’s glory because the earth sees God and trembles, the heavens proclaim his righteousness, and the mountains melt before him.
Our God is almighty, and his creation bears witness to his mightiness. The power of God’s creation is the same power that he uses to deliver us from the hand of the wicked. How awesome is it to trust our God to that level? And what does God ask of us in return? To hate evil. So today, be alert, be faithful, love the Lord your God and hate evil.
Father God, you are my lifeguard. You deliver those who are faithful to you and who love you from the hand of the wicked. Thank you that you are my Lord. I love you, Lord. Show me how to live my life in faithful service to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for our Student Support Officers who are so generous with their time and gifts in assisting our students
We continue to pray for all the sick and ill people in our community and pray that they may be restored to full health quickly
We pray for the Kuihon, Akec & Kwok families
Micah Award
To Ruben for showing love, service and humility to others.

To Johnny for showing service and love to others.

From the Principal
Thursday Rotation Day
The school is always a hive of activity on Thursday Rotation Days. The students have the opportunity to rotate through different curriculum areas: Christian Studies, Art, Auslan, Music, Physical Education and Technology. We are very blessed to have such talented teachers to lead our activities and enthusiastic students who are so willing to learn.
What we are Learning
In the Prep classroom we have been using our sound knowledge to try to spell unknown words.
Ask us to write a sentence about what we did today using the sounds that we hear in the words.
Don’t worry if it’s not spelt correctly. We are still learning the sounds.

Year 1/ 2
In the 1/2 classroom we have been learning about transport in the past, present and future. You can help by having a conversation with us about this topic.
Ask us to tell you what we think transport in the future would be like!

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning and using strategies to subtract. We have been working in groups to create videos to show our understanding.
Ask us to tell you some of the words we can use that mean ‘subtract’.

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom, we have been learning to use the pottery wheel to turn our own bowl.
Ask us to tell you about how we did it!
