SCS Newsletter Term 2 Week 6
22nd May, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – A story of humility
Jesus … being in very nature God … humbled himself (Philippians 2:5, 6, 8).
In the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic there are lots of stories of pain, sorrow and heartbreak. But in the midst of the stories of pain are great stories – stories of healing, hope, and love. Now that we are on the other side of Easter, we can look back and see some of the stories that we may have skipped over in the crucifixion of Jesus. And because he lives in us, his story becomes our story.
Today’s story is about Jesus’ humility.
Often humility is understood as not thinking much of ourselves. That may be true, but humility must be bigger than this. After all, Jesus is our example of humility, and yet he made huge claims about himself, such as: ‘I and the Father are one’ (John 10:30), and ‘Something greater than Solomon is here’ (Matt 12:42).
Rather than declaring ourselves worthless or useless, humility is far more about taking who we are and what we have and using it to make things better for others.
We see this in Jesus, being sinless, and going to the cross, for our sake. Jesus knows that he is someone, knows he is the Son of God – but goes and humbles himself.
Today, let’s be a part of Jesus’ movement of humility – not people who think nothing of themselves, but people who use who they are and what they have for the sake of others. Let’s have a fresh wave of humility serve our community during this time. Let stories be told not of how we are nothing, but of how we used who we are as children of God and what we have as people blessed by God to serve others.
Heavenly Father, help us to be humble. Help us to see that you have made us your children, and are precious in your sight. Help us to take who we are, and what you have given us, and place it in service of others. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks that the Prep to Year 4 students are able to return to school
We pray that the Year 5/6 students have patience as they look forward to returning to school
We ask that God continues to hold his healing hand over our community
We pray for the Khaimi, Khithie and Khi Thie families
From the Principal
Return to school
The school is looking forward to welcoming the Prep to Year 4 students back to on-site schooling next week on Tuesday 26 May. The teachers are preparing to have your child/ren back in class, following a day of school closure on Monday 25 May. We excited to be able to have face to face conversations again and to see students catch up with their friends after weeks of working remotely. Please remember to send all of the remote learning packs, iPads and library books back to school with your child/ren.
We will continue to support vulnerable families and essential workers by offering on-site schooling to students in Year 5/6 who require this over the next fortnight. Please contact the office if you need to register your child to attend.
Please ensure you read the ‘Question and Answer’ notice sent via Care Monkey for further detailed information on the return to school procedures.
Remote Learning Interview
Last week, a number of our Year 3 – 6 students were interviewed by Mrs. Kimberley Powell, the Lutheran Education Victoria New South Wales and Tasmania (LEVNT) Education Officer for Learning. LEVNT are developing a tool to help schools reflect on their COVID-19 experience and grow from it. Mrs. Powell asked the students about their experience with remote learning including what they have missed, what has frustrated them, what they have enjoyed and what they have been surprised by. The students gave valuable insights during the discussion and will feature as part of a presentation that will be forwarded to Lutheran schools around Australia.
When students return to school in the coming days and weeks, they are required to wear their full winter uniform. If you need to purchase any items of winter uniform, please make an appointment with Mrs. Vella prior to coming to school.
Year 5/6 Wellbeing Day
Remote learning has taken its toll on our community in many ways over the past weeks. Unfortunately the Year 5/6 class will not be returning to school next week, but will continue with learning from home for a while longer to meet the staggered return-to-school procedure outlined by the state government. In order to promote positive wellbeing, the Year 5/6 students were invited to school today to catch up with their teachers and class mates. We hope they had a wonderful day.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are learning about different celebrations like Chinese New Year!
You can help by talking with us about OUR family celebrations.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom
we are learning about telling time on analogue and digital clocks.
You can help by showing us the times on these clocks when activities are being done at home.

Year 3/ 4
During Year 3/4 remote learning, we have been looking at different subtractions strategies. You can help by giving us some subtraction problems to solve!

Year 5/ 6
During Year 5/6 remote learning, we have enhancing our descriptive writing by using similes and metaphors. We can now describe characters and settings (like the ones below) with even greater detail.