SCS Newsletter Term 2 Week 10 2021
25th June, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – Sleeping through a storm
But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ (Mark 4:38).
In today’s reading, we find the disciples amid a chaotic, fear-inducing storm. The wind was blowing ferociously, and the waves of water were crashing into their boat. If you’ve ever been caught in a serious storm, you know this is no joke – let alone when you’re out on a huge body of water. There is something truly awesome when the forces of nature are unleashed in their fury, and we realise just how little control we have over our own circumstances.
But during the storm, there is another problem. It troubles the disciples, perhaps even more than the physical elements, namely, the apparent lack of care and concern from Jesus. He’s asleep! Isn’t it true that problems we have in life are made even worse by the reality that those close to us don’t seem to treat them with the same seriousness? This is even more so the case when it comes to God.
In response, Jesus exercises his divine power by speaking peace and calmness to the storm, as well as calling for greater faith from his disciples. They recognise they are in the presence of no mere man, and the awe previously evoked by the storm is redirected to Jesus himself. The final question of the text is the main point: ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’
We know who he is. He is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, and our Saviour. He has come from the Father on a mission to restore peace to the chaos of this sinful world by dying, rising and sending his Spirit. Indeed, there is much in this world to fear with threats all around. But let us never mistake the apparent inactivity of God for his indifference to our plight. On the contrary, no matter what we face, our Lord Jesus promises to be ‘in the boat’ with us, and he has all authority. Trust him.
Prayer Points
We pray that the Holy Spirit gives us comfort and strength in the midst of the storms that appear in our lives
We give thanks for the wonderful learning experiences we have had this term
We pray that our community may have a restful and reinvigorating holiday break
We pray for the Luu, Lyno and More families
Micah Award
To Kingston for the quality of his work during remote learning.
To Christila for showing love and compassion to those around her.
From the Principal
The SRC initiative to hold Crazy Hair Day on the final day of term was a big hit with all the students. The students had a fun filled day to finish a very busy term in style. The students raised over $300 to be donated to the Cancer Council.
The staff wish all students and parents a restful and reinvigorating holiday and are looking forward to welcoming everyone back at the beginning of next term.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we have been writing sentences about things that have wheels.
Ask us what we wrote about our bike!
Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom in Humanities, we have been learning about the Oceans and Continents of the world. We created dioramas of the ocean.
Ask us many questions about the ocean and we will tell you!
Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about chance! We can describe the chance of events using words and numbers.
Ask us to tell you some of the key words we have learned!
Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been learning the techniques and skills required for tie dying. As part of this we have completed a procedural text about the steps involved in the process. Ask us how we made our tie dyed items.