SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 6
6th March, 2020
Front Page
Devotion – Living a good-news life
The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his Spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to announce release to captives and freedom to those in prison. Isaiah 61: 1
When was the last time you heard a piece of good news?
Our television newscasts and newspapers are full of bad news. Sometimes our own lives or the lives of people we know seem like one ‘bad-news story after another’.
In his Little Book on Joy, Matthew Harrison describes the Christian faith as holding ‘the secret to living a good-news life in a bad-news world’. A good-news life is one in which the message of Jesus is front and centre. It is a life that rejoices in God’s small gifts of grace, despite the bad news around us and within us.
Re-read the above verse from Isaiah.
Isaiah announced it, Jesus fulfilled it (Luke 4:18-21). It was God’s plan all along to bring good news to a bad-news world. Even now he works to bring ‘joy and gladness instead of grief, a song of praise instead of sorrow’. And he continues to send us his Holy Spirit to help us lead a good-news life in a bad-news world.
Father in heaven, thank you for the good news announced by Isaiah and fulfilled by your Son. Bring healing and release in my life, and strengthen me by your Holy Spirit to share your good news with other people. In the name of Jesus. Amen
Devotion by Ben Pfeiffer from “Time Out … with Jesus” (Australian Church Resources, 2014)
Prayer Points
We pray that all our community members who are suffering from sickness be restored to full health
We pray for the health and safety of our country and our local community
We ask God to grant us wisdom and compassion in our relationship with others
We give thanks for the gift of grace that God has given to us
We pray for the Cohlung, Fachhai and Galea-Dexter families
Micah Award
To Bie Tei Hmo for showing love, compassion and service
To Dhal for showing love and appreciation of other students

From the Principal
Staff News
The school’s Business Manager, Mrs. Galea has announced that she will be leaving Sunshine Christian School at the end of the term. Mrs. Galea has given the school great service over the past 4 years in her role as Business Manager. Not only has she ensured the school is a sound financial position, but she has also expertly navigated and lead the school through the complications of compliance, risk management and ensuring the school operates so smoothly. Sandra has been a blessing to the school through her actions in all of these responsibilities and the many other tasks she has managed behind the scenes. We thank her for the tireless work she has undertaken for the school and wish her every blessing as she begins full time work at her new school.

Mathematics Focus
As we strive to continually make our school better, staff will be focusing on improving student learning in mathematics over the next two years through a partnership with the Mathematics Association of Victoria. Mr. Pietsch, Mrs. Pham and Miss Stolz will be attending and leading regular professional learning sessions as well as coaching the other staff in improving mathematics learning in the school. The staff are very excited to be exploring and developing ways in which we can improve the teaching of mathematics and implementing these strategies into the classroom.
What we are Learning
In the Prep/1 classroom we have been focusing on the formation of letters and using the THRASS chart to spell words.
You can help us practise writing on the lines. Make sure we have a capital letter to start sentences and finger spaces between each word.

Year 2/3
In the Year 2/3 classroom, we are doing a book study of
Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. Ask us what we have been learning about in this interesting book and why the writer calls the fox ‘fantastic.’

Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been learning about celebrations. We are researching and finding out information on religious celebrations all around the world! You can help us by asking us to tell you some facts about our chosen celebration.

Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been working on our persuasive writing techniques. You can help us at home by asking us to explain how we structure our written responses.
