SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 4 2023
24th February, 2023
Front Page
Devotion – God our saviour
He couldn’t believe what he saw: not a soul around to correct this awful situation. So he did it himself, took on the work of salvation, fuelled by his own righteousness (Isaiah 59:15,16).
Imagine being in a leaky boat off the Somali coast. There are enormous waves, strong winds and pirates – not the sort with parrots and swords – but with machine guns and explosives. You try to bail out the water, but there’s always too much. You call on the radio – it’s dead. You send out a flare – it’s wet. There is no one to save you.
It is a bleak picture. It’s a picture of the toxic destruction sin causes – not just sin ‘out there’ but in our own lives. Sin is not just what we do but who we are from the moment of birth.
It is impossible for anything you do or anyone you know to save you from yourself and place your feet on solid ground. Sin is so toxic that unless your conscience knows it has been killed, it will sink you and all those around you even as you try and patch things up.
We need more than a nice cup of tea and some Bible verses about love to cut the throat of sin. To paraphrase PT Forsyth: the great word of the gospel is not just ‘God is love’. That is too small. It produces a life unable to cope with crises. But the word is this: love reigns not as an emotion or a feel-good thought, but because God’s love is a holy and cleansing fire. It is the voice of Christ setting the universe right at immeasurable cost to himself, enduring the holy fire of love. Because of his great mercy we are not consumed, and by faith we believe his promise: ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.’ God has won the battle. Our faith is faith in his saving grace.
Prayer Points
We pray for the people who have been affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey
We give thanks for the Student Support Officers who care and support our students
We pray for the Cinzah, Cohlung and Diep families
Micah Award
Sang Za for showing service to his class mates
Dolianthang for showing compassion to his class mates
From the Principal
Congratulations to the members of our 2023 Student Leadership Team.
The leaders were announced and formally inducted into their roles during chapel on Monday morning. During the chapel, we spoke about the what leadership means and how we should follow the example of the greatest leader of all; Jesus. Reflecting on Mark 10: 43 - 45, we learnt what it is to be a servent leader and how we could follow the example of Jesus.
We wish the new Student Leadership Team God’s blessings as they begin their servant leadership journey for 2023.
Our leadership team consists of Joshua (Peer Mediation Coordinator), Bie Tei Hmo (Yr. 5 SRC), David (Yr. 4 SRC), Lading Rengthlang (Peer Mediation Coordinator), Bawi (School Captain), Muan (Gold House Captain), Silver (School Captain), Chloe (Yr 6 SRC), San Khaw (Yr 3 SRC) and Rebekah (Burgundy House Captain). We pray that these students may be truly blessed in their roles and be a blessing to our community as they carry out their work.

What we are Learning
Prep/ One
In the Prep classroom we are learning how to keep our room tidy.
You can help us by giving us a cleaning responsibility at home.

Year 1/2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are placing a huge focus on reading and spelling. This could help us to develop our writing skills. We read individually, in groups and share our understanding of texts. You can help us at home by listening to our reading and talking about the book.

Year 3/4
In 3/4 class, we explored different aspects of narrative texts, based on Australian children’s stories. All students confidently brainstormed, planned and created their texts based on the learning environment around them. Please kindly ask your child/ren to share their favourite texts they created this week.

Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we are reading the novel ‘Our race for Reconciliation’by Anita Heiss. Ask us about our first impressions of the book.
