SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2023
10th February, 2023
Front Page
Devotion – How do you look from a distance?
Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
Salt has its purposes. Light has it uses. We could list them. Both need to be present in the right measure. When used positively, both enhance the world we live in.
This is my translation of the passage today:
You are the seasoning of the world. Bring out God-pleasing flavours in all you encounter, all you do. Don’t overuse them or you’ll spoil the effect. You are the light (as I am the light). Don’t hide this light, no matter what sort it is, no matter how strong or weak. For you, it is the perfect time to shine into the lives of those you encounter. The Law? What do you think of it? Does it need to be kept religiously? Would you rather do away with it, or ignore it? Neither of these is my way. I perfect the Law and fulfil the Prophets. You can join me – by being the seasoning you are, by sharing the light you have and thus be righteous, living in me as I live in you. Then you don’t need to worry about Pharisaical stuff, but can concentrate on what is important.
If I’ve managed to get the gist of what Jesus is saying, it is this: I have fulfilled the law. When you live in me: being salt or seasoning, providing light, you too fulfil the Law, you live as righteous people, practising grace and forgiveness. Living out mercy, justice and acceptance. We all do this differently.
It is only through grace and forgiveness that I can possibly be salt and light in the world. Only through the love of Jesus, can I work out which seasoning to be and how much of it to use; it’s only through the love of Jesus that I can work out which light I am and where and how to make it shine.
Then, even though it is a constant struggle, our righteousness will exceed that of the Pharisees; then we can know and live God’s love and encourage others to know and live in God’s love. Then we’ll bring out the God-flavours and the God-colours of this world.
Gift Giver, help me to bring God-pleasing flavours and colours to the world. Amen.
Prayer Points
We pray that the Prep students would settle into school life smoothly and have an enjoyable first year at school
We give thanks that God has blessed the school with wonderful, dedicated staff who care for our students so well
We pray for the Barker, Bui and Romero families
Micah Award
Reinhart for showing, compassion to his classmates
From the Principal
After a well-earned break, it is wonderful to begin our 2023 school year.
We welcome all our families back to a new school year and especially extend a very warm welcome to our new families. We wish Rebekah, Pippa, and their families every blessing as they begin their journey at Sunshine Christian School.
We also welcome the following new staff to our community in both teaching and support roles; Ms Helena Pham (Yr3/4 teacher), Mr Brent Pelton (Chaplain/Special Education/ Wellbeing) and Miss Chelsea Ung (SSO). We are thrilled to have them join us and wish them every blessing. We also anticipate the many blessings they will bring to our community.
This week 12 Preps began their school journey at SCS. We are very pleased to have them join the other students and we look forward to watching them grow and learn over the years ahead.
What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
With the arrival of our Preps on Monday we have been busy making new friends. Ask your child about a new friend they have made this week!

Year 1/ 2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are exploring Place Value. We count to and from 100/1000. We count bundles of 10 and write the total numbers. We count the numbers on dominoes and write addition number sentences. You can help us with counting activities.

Year 3/ 4
This week, our students explored 3D optical illusion arts based on mathematical concepts. Ask your child how to make 3D art with lots of triangles.

Year 5/6
Last week the Year 5/6 students undertook a stone carving workshop and made their own holding stones. Ask us about the process and the significance of the spiral.
