SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 2022
11th February, 2022
Front Page
Devotion – The true light
Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; but the proud, he knows them from afar (Psalm 138:6).
Picture this. God (as a person – we call this anthropomorphism), standing up the road, noticing someone in the distance coming towards him. God can tell by this person’s silhouette that they are haughty – proud, overconfident in their own abilities, judgemental of others.
Haughty people can be quite easily spotted by their body language … although, people who are using bravado to cover up for their insecurities can come across the same way.
Another time it can be difficult to spot haughtiness is when it’s yourself since you can’t see yourself from up the road! Sometimes, I am most likely to be haughty in my work within the church. As I start to see the fruit of my labour, I can hold too tightly onto God’s mission and claim it as my own. When I get on the treadmill of investing too much time and energy in ‘the cause’ instead of resting in God’s grace and God’s provision, haughtiness overtakes me. Then I hurt myself and others.
We all do it, and God continues to forgive our pridefulness and restore us.
It is time to let go and remember it is by God’s authority – and not our own – that God’s work is done. In trust and hope, we are invited to pray with the psalmist (verse 8)
Your love, Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the work of your hands. Forgive my pride and help me grow to trust you more deeply. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Points
We pray that the Prep students would settle into school life smoothly and have an enjoyable first year at school
We give thanks that God has blessed the school with wonderful, dedicated staff who care for our students so well
We pray for the Barker, Bui and Romero families
Micah Award
To Van Van for showing love, compassion and service to his classmates

From the Principal
After a well-earned break, it is wonderful to begin our school year with students and staff learning and teaching at school.
We welcome all our families back to a new school year and especially extend a very warm welcome to our new families. We wish Bawi, Eric, Emma and Ram Tha Par (Year 1); Sara (Year 2); Jerome, Esther and James (Year 3); Lana (Year 4) and Rebekah (Year 5) every blessing as they begin their journey at Sunshine Christian School.
We also welcome the following new staff to our community in both teaching and support roles; Ms Caroline Rodriguez (Tutor/CRT) and Mr Zakary Pietsch (Yr3/4 SSO). We are thrilled to have them join us and wish them every blessing. We also anticipate the many blessings they will bring to our community.
This week 21 Preps began their school journey at SCS. We are very pleased to have them join the other students and we look forward to watching them grow and learn over the years ahead.
What we are Learning
In the Prep classroom we are learning about ‘Whole Body Listening’. Doing these things helps everyone in the class to learn and grow.
Ask us to show you what Whole Body Listening looks like.

Year 1/ 2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are investigating number sequences. We count to and from 100/1000 and skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s. We read, write and order 2-and 3-digit numbers. You can help us with counting activities.

Year 3/ 4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have been creating posters that finish the statement, “In the Year 3/4 classroom we want to…” Some examples include: be a team, be supportive, be resilient. Ask us to tell you some of the statements we have made.

Year 5/ 6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been learning about different forms of larger numbers. Ask us about the Place Value Robots (or creatures) we have made.
