SCS Newsletter Term 1 Week 10 2021
1st April, 2021
Front Page
Devotion – Jesus, the king of simple
Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it; as it is written: ‘Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion. Look, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!’
I love the way Jesus does stuff that is so simple and yet so powerful as an example to those around him. He knew he couldn’t book an Uber to Jerusalem. He didn’t have a fancy entourage to provide luxurious transit, so he just got on with sorting out a lift for himself. The journey of Jesus in Passion Week echoes metaphorically in our lives each day.
It is too easy for us to overthink stuff, make extravagant plans or focus on the wrong things. Jesus hopping on a smelly, wobbly, obstinate and dead-slow little donkey allowed the journey to be the focus rather than a distraction for the ‘how, who, where or when’ of getting there. Jesus just gets about it. He knows what he has to do and keeps it simple. How good is it to know that no matter what, Jesus is coming! He’s on his way into our lives, our days, our relationships, our jobs, our streets and our homes. And he brings the simple message of hope and love in partnership with his Father, through the free gift of grace.
Jesus comes to us every day. Simple!
Lord and king of simple, thank you for coming to me each day in grace. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for a wonderful Term 1 full of rich learning and growing experiences
We pray for the people of Myanmar who are facing political unrest
We pray for a Blessed Easter and a safe relaxing holiday for all our community members
We pray for the Huynh, Inme and Kawngno families
Micah Award
To Nisuipar for showing love and service to her classmates!

To Marco for showing kindness, service and courage.

From the Principal
What a wonderful first term we have experienced at Sunshine Christian School! It has been great to spend so much time back at school and to return to mostly ‘normal’ routines after the disruptions of last year.
There have been so many highlights throughout this first term. The Preps joined us at the beginning of the term and have settled so well into the routines of school. It has been a joy to observe the enthusiasm and happiness the Prep students have injected into our already vibrant community.
Students across the school experienced and participated in some special activities and celebrations throughout the term. The school created some amazing displays for the Sunshine Garden Club Annual Show, participated in the annual swimming program, enjoyed a whole school picnic during Hearing Awareness Week, experienced the wonders of space in the Science Discovery Dome incursion and learnt many wonderful things at Edendale Farm. The Year 3 to 6 students also participated in Peer Mediation training and are now equipped to be effective peer mediators.
Although we were very disappointed that the Werribee Zoo excursion was postponed in Term 1, we are really looking forward to attending in Week 1 of Term 2. We eagerly anticipate many more wonderful learning experiences throughout next term.
I thank the staff at Sunshine Christian School for their dedication and tireless work which made the term such a rich and wonderful learning experience for the students. I wish them and every member of our school community a very restful holiday and a blessed Easter. I look forward to many new and exciting learning opportunities in Term 2.
