Newsletter Term 1 Week 9
28th March, 2024
Front Page
Front Page
They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we would like to see Jesus’ (John 12:21). A recent series of pop superstar concerts captivated many fans in Australia. Those who gained a precious ticket were often reduced to tears of delight. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see their hero in real life was just too much. There may be plenty of opportunities to hear her music, but being able to see her at the same time was infinitely even more special. Those who were unable to score the magic ticket also shed tears, the tears of those who were excluded from the presence of the person they most wanted to see. Being able to see Jesus was also special for the Greek men who came to Philip with a humble request, ‘We want to see Jesus’. Behind that simple request is also an implication that seeing Jesus is an important step in believing the message Jesus has been preaching. They are not the only ones who want to see Jesus. Yesterday’s reading ended with dismay on the part of the Pharisees at the huge number of people who were following Jesus. The fact that the two men who approached Philip were from Greece tells us how far the words of Jesus had travelled. Perhaps the Pharisees were not exaggerating very much when they felt the whole world was learning about Jesus. We are not told if the Greek men were able to see Jesus. We are not told if they became aware that their simple question to ‘see’ Jesus could open up a huge vista of Jesus, the Son of God. We are not told if they hear Jesus’ prayer, ‘Father, glorify your name’, or the thunderous response from God the Father affirming his son. We can, however, put ourselves in their place as we, too, want to see Jesus. We are able to know and understand our Lord and Saviour through his word. In this passage, we hear Jesus talk of his death, and we are made aware of the love he shares with all who are drawn to him as he is lifted up. We don’t need a ticket to see him and to be included. There are no exclusions. Heavenly Father, we ask you to help us to know you better and to understand you more. We thank you for your word to teach us and for your love that has saved us. We glorify your name. Amen. Devotion written by Dianne Eckermann.
Prayer Points
We pray for our school community that they may enjoy a refreshing and safe holiday break
We give thanks for the season of Easter as we celebrate what Jesus did for us on the cross
We pray for the Hmochhi, Ho and Pham families.
Micah Award
Pippa for showing compassion

Calendar of Events:
Calendar of Events: Term 2 2024

From the Principal
From the Principal
What a wonderful first term we have experienced at Sunshine Christian School! It has been a delight to witness the amazing learning that has occurred this term.
There have been so many highlights throughout this first term. The Preps joined us at the beginning of the term and have settled exceptionally well into the routines of school life. Observing the enthusiasm and happiness the Prep students have brought to our already vibrant community has been a joy.
Students across the school have experienced and participated in some special activities and celebrations throughout the term. However, it has been the manner in which our students have engaged in their learning in the classroom that has been the highlight for me.
We eagerly anticipate many more wonderful learning experiences throughout the next term.
I thank the staff at Sunshine Christian School for their dedication and tireless work, which has made the term such a rich and wonderful learning experience for the students. I wish them and every member of our school community a very restful holiday and a blessed Easter. I look forward to welcoming many new and exciting learning opportunities in Term 2.