2024 Term 3, Week 6 - From the Principal

From the Principal
Each fortnight in the school’s newsletter we dedicate a page to SchoolTV.
For those who are unaware SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support parents in the challenges of modern-day parenting relating to child and youth mental health and wellbeing.
While the school highlights a particular topic from one of the 6 series: Cybersafety, Mental Health, School Survival, Healthy Body, Positive Parenting and Diversity & Inclusion (plus Special Reports), parents are able to access a wealth of resources by visiting our website and clicking on the SchoolTV logo.
You will find videos from leading specialists, Fact Sheets and suggested books, apps and websites to keep you informed about current parenting issues.
I highly recommend that all parents take the time to explore the SchoolTV site.