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Devotion: Cornerstone
The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes (Matthew 21:42b).
Jesus was rejected by the chief priests and Pharisees. He wasn’t the cornerstone they were looking for! They had their own building, and he didn’t fit at all.
They didn’t approve of his lack of formal education (John 7:15). They didn’t approve of where he came from (John 7:52). They didn’t approve of his disregard for religious traditions (Luke 6:2). They didn’t approve of his choice of friends (Matthew 9:11).
Yet even though they rejected and crucified Jesus, God raised him up and established Jesus as the chief cornerstone of his great plan of redemption. All things are grounded, built on and fulfilled in him.
Now, before we are tempted to shake our heads and ‘tut tut’ at the attitude of the chief priests and Pharisees – and maybe even feel slightly smug – take the time to reflect on this: Is Jesus truly the cornerstone of your life? Of every part of your life, not just the Sunday or churchy bits?
Sometimes, I can be tempted to build on my own foundation, logic, ideas, and desires – especially in the everyday ‘non-churchy’ bits. I’m tempted to build in my way and in my time frame. It always seems like such a good idea at the time. But when my building starts to teeter or crumble, I run to Jesus to fix it or help me. Sometimes, he lets it fall so that we can start building again, together this time.
If only Jesus had been the cornerstone right from the start!
A cornerstone is something to build upon. Jesus is the strong, unshakable foundation for every part of your life. Whatever you build in your life today, build on Jesus Christ, the cornerstone.
Prayer Points
We give thanks Jesus is our cornerstone in every aspect of our lives.
We give thanks for a wonderful Year 3/4 camp full of enriching learning experiences.
We pray for the Thang, Thang Ngak, Lian and Ling families.
Micah Award
Joseph for showing service and compassion.