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Devotion: Don’t be afraid
But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid’ (Matthew 14:27).
We live in precarious times. There is much that can cause fear. Wars and rumours of wars. Many forms of global political uncertainty and hostility. Financial pressures, such as rising food and living prices. Housing insecurities for many Australians. And then our own personal daily challenges. And yet, in Australia, our needs are considered largely met. We might ask, ‘Is this really a time in history that is worse than any other previous time?’
What impacted me most in today’s Scripture text were Jesus’ words, ‘Don’t be afraid’, and yet, as listed above, many reasons could provoke anxiety or fear within us. Researching how many times the statement to not fear is expressed throughout the Bible, the first answer I googled was 365 times. Wow! We are consoled 365 times by our loving God, saying we need not be afraid. That’s once for each and every day of the year! Whether or not this statistic can be authenticated (whether this statement is actually offered 365 times – as some biblical scholars dispute) actually becomes irrelevant at this point because knowing that this is the Lord’s promise to us, even once, makes this word very relevant!
Knowing that we can arise every day and not be afraid, just like the disciples in the boat, we can stand assured together with them and be unafraid. So let us daily turn not to our own understanding but instead trust in his promises. Let us continue to gather in worship of our Triune God with praise and thanksgiving. May we call to him in prayer, assured of our blessing. May we believe in his life-saving sacrifice offered up for us, once and for all, on the cross. May our hearts and minds receive the comfort of these words today and every day – these words offered to us by Christ himself, written for our consolation and reiterated many times throughout the Bible: ‘Don’t be afraid’, ‘… have no fear’, ‘… do not be alarmed’, ‘Take courage’. So, allow the ‘stormy winds’ to be stilled in your life. Trust and believe in his promise of peace: a peace that the world simply can never give. Might you share this message of hope with others?
Prayer Points
We give thanks to God for giving us the courage to face difficult situations
We pray for the emergency service providers who take care of us and keep us safe from harm
We pray for the More, Murdoch and Nguyen families
Micah Award
Jensen for showing compassion

James for showing courage