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Devotion: Boasting in the Lord
Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:31b).
Here is a bit of a trick question: should Christians boast? Most of us will instinctively answer no, which is understandable given the most common definition of boasting. That definition would be something like this: ‘to talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities.’ Australians are especially averse to this sort of thing, aren’t we? In the verse just before ours, we are warned, in particular, of ever-boasting in God’s presence. This is the ever-present human temptation to bring our own works before God to earn his favour rather than receiving it from him as a gift in Christ.
The Apostle Paul actually says this is one of the reasons God works in the way he does, namely through weakness. The first Christians in Corinth and many other places weren’t the high-fliers and the movers and shakers. They were the down-and-outs and people others thought inferior. This is similar to the way God speaks about Israel in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 7:7,8). As God chooses to begin his covenant with people or his church with those who aren’t impressive in the eyes of the world, it shows that no-one can claim they have God’s favour because of something in them. Instead, it’s all a gift; therefore, there is no boasting before him.
But then notice in our text that the Apostle Paul says there is a right kind of boasting. It’s as if human beings are wired to talk with excessive pride about something or someone, but sin has distorted the orientation of that impulse. So instead of suppressing it completely, Paul redirects it. He speaks of a boasting that isn’t focused inward but outward on another. Paul says we are to boast in the Lord. We are to talk with excessive pride about him, who he is and what he has done. The Lord Jesus is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. So, there is plenty to boast about when we are focused on him.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for community services like cohealth who provide essential services to the community
We pray that the Holy Spirit makes us bold to boast in God before the world.
We pray for the Luu, Masina and Modica families.
Micah Awards
Adit for showing love and compassion to others.

Ruth for showing service to others.