What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are learning about o’clock and half past time.
When you see the clock at these times, you could ask us – “What is the time?”
Year 1/2
In the Year 1/2 classroom we are learning about 2- and 3-dimensional shapes and their features: faces, edges and corners of an object.
You can help us by talking about the features of a box or any object at home.
Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we have finished our focus novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
We had a snow party to celebrate one of the themes of the book!
Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have been learning about the author and artist Eric Carle.
Ask us to tell you about how we created our own Eric Carle inspired collage.