From the Principal
Last week Australians around the world celebrated ANZAC Day, a day in which people join together to pay tribute to and remember those who have served to defend our country and our interests. It is one of the most significant days on the Australian calendar and it is a timely reminder that we are all called to serve in many ways. Men and women from across the country are called to serve the people of Australia by being part of the defence forces. ANZAC Day gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the sacrifice these people made, and are still making for our country.
We, as Christians, are called by God to serve Him and others. One of the core values of Sunshine Christian School is service. This value comes directly from the words of Jesus, ‘Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me’ (John 12:26). We pray that we can can have the commitment and strength to continue to serve our Lord in everything we do as we remember the sacrifice He made for us.