From the Principal
Living in Community Award
During Monday’s Whole School Worship, friends of the school Sue and Graeme Hodgart presented four of our students with the 2022 Living in Community Awards. The awards, which are generously donated through the hard work and dedication of the members of Pilgrim Uniting Church and MissionPoint Opportunity Shop, go to students who display the school’s values in everyday life. Each award is accompanied with a generous $500 bursary which helps the student’s family to pay their school fees and related expenses.
This year we congratulate Van That (Year 3), Sara (Year 3), Rebekah (Year 5) and Susana (Year 5) on being the recipients.

The school and our families are very blessed to have such wonderful support from not only Pilgrim Uniting Church, but many other local community groups. Our prayer is that God’s blessings continue to enrich the lives of these people in their work and the hearts of the people they touch through the work of the Holy Spirit.