From the Principal
School Choir Shines at ACLE
During the school holidays, over 500 staff from Lutheran schools around Australia congregated at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre for the Australian Conference on Lutheran Education. The theme of the conference was One Voice, Many Paths which provided the inspiration for the conference. During the three day conference principals, teachers, and administration staff delved into many current educational and societal issues led by inspirational key note speakers and experts in their field of knowledge. There were many other highlights across the conference including colleagues enjoying quality community time and worshipping together as one in Christ.
Undoubtedly, one of the highlights for all the participants was the performance of the Sunshine Christian School Choir at the closing worship service. The choir, under the tutelage of Mrs. Francis, sang the most beautiful rendition of The Blessing written by Chris Brown and Cody Carnes. It would be fair to say that the children not only enhanced the worship experience but melted the hearts of the participants; there was not a dry eye to be found among the worshippers. It was an incredible honour to see the children deliver such a wonderful gift to the conference.

We must say a very big thank you to Mrs. Francis for the incredible amount of work she put in to enable the performance to be as wonderful as it was. A thank you must also go to the parents for enabling their children to participate in the event during the school holidays… we had a quarter of the school turn up! And of course a big thank you to the students who sang with such enthusiasm and grace.
We also acknowledge Joyce (School Captain) and Bawi (SRC Member) for their clear bible reading during the service.