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Devotion – God, our lifeguard
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers … what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? (Psalm 8:3, 4)
I used to love staring up into the inky darkness of the night sky when I lived in the country. The Milky Way was on display. (It took me a long time to learn where the Southern Cross was because the constellation seemed to hide amongst the millions of other stars. It felt like a ‘Where’s Wally?’ puzzle to me!)
I like to think that David enjoyed the night sky, too, all those years ago as he warmed himself by a campfire. His thoughts would often turn to the Creator, his majesty and glory … But his ponderings ventured further to where our own thoughts go from time to time.
Where do people fit into the big picture?
How does it even make sense that the One whose creativity set into being the heavens, the earth and all living things places such value on the human race? Created in his image, he gives people honour and purpose. He invests himself, his love and care, knowing all the shortcomings and failures that human lives present.
I won’t be able to logically explain how this all makes sense in a concise way to satisfy everyone. But then again, I don’t have to. What I can do is to receive God’s grace and love with gratitude and join David in thanking, praising and worshipping our Creator, our Lord and our God. How will you respond to him today?
Dear Creator God, it doesn’t make sense that you value me so much when you know every detail about me, yet you do. Your love paid for my sins on the cross, and you restored me to the position you always intended for me to have. I thank and praise you for your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for our staff who place the wellbeing of our students as a high priority
We pray for the new government that they may govern the country with integrity and justness.
We pray for the Lam, Sae-Yip & Nguyen families
Micah Award
To Hun Nawn for showing service and humility.