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Devotion – How do you look from a distance?
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today (Genesis 50:20).
Joseph’s story is an extended example of the truth Paul later expresses in Romans 8:28: ‘And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose’. And that, in turn, arises from Paul’s reflection on Jesus’ death and resurrection. That took place through the predetermined plan of God, but also as the result of human wickedness and spiritual evil.
By the cross, God saves the world through betrayal, cowardice, denial, and the schemes of the devil himself. It’s counterintuitive: God used the evil and godless actions of wicked people to establish his kingdom in the death and resurrection of his Son.
Joseph is the forerunner of Jesus in this respect. Despite everything that had happened in the long saga that was Joseph’s life, he was able to say that God had sent him ahead into Egypt, to save life, not to destroy it (Genesis 45:5,7). It was not the jealousy and betrayal of his brothers that had carried him there, but the hand of God.
We can’t always see that at the time. Most often – perhaps always – we see it only in retrospect. But there’s no surer thing: God’s plans will be accomplished, come hell or high water. Joseph’s story is the example. Jesus’ story is the guarantee.
Dearest Father, thank you that your sovereign power is such that you use even the works of evil for their own destruction. Thank you that you are bigger than all our thoughtless actions and stupid mistakes. Thank you that you don’t give us what we want but what we need. Thank you for the blessing of knowing you are working all things together for the good of your people. In Christ’s name. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for our new student leaders and pray that God will grant them wisdom and servant hearts as they begin their roles
We pray for our School Council that God may be with them as they govern over our school
We pray for peace and safety in countries where there is war or unrest
We pray for the Tran, Cinzah and Cohlung families
Micah Awards
To Johnny for showing love, compassion and service to his classmates

To Hayley for showing love and service to her classmates and teachers