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Devotion – Life-giver
I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life (John 5:24)
What is life-giving for you? When your favourite footy or sports team wins, does that make you feel alive? What about quality time with a person you love? It leaves you buzzing, invigorated, ready to take on the next challenge. Or maybe none of this resonates with you. What is it, then, that is life-giving for you?
And what does it mean that the Son gives life? Jesus gives life. What do we understand by that? God is our creator and literally gives us our lives, knits us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). Just as God ‘breathed the breath of life’ into Adam in Genesis (2:7), we are filled with life because of him. And life as a Christian, as a follower of Jesus, is not limited to our earthly life. Because Jesus has died, you live forever. The blood of Jesus has won salvation and forgiveness for you. The blood of Jesus has covered over the power of darkness, so no ungodly thing can completely take hold of our lives and destroy us. You have been claimed by God through Jesus to have life to the full (John 10:10).
If you want to think about it that way, we rise up to new life with Christ every day. The power of the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see how we can tap into that exciting potential of being God’s vessel and his servant day after day. Life in God is to be found in serving others around us. Hold on to the solid foundation that you have a new life in Christ today. This new life is brimming with possibilities of how to be life-giving and Christ-giving to those around you. The fruit of the Spirit will guide you in this. Today, display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). This is how your life-giving God works through you in the power of his Holy Spirit. These fruits give life to the weary, the hungry, the sick, the sad. You can be a life-giver today because your Life-Giver tenderly embraces you as a dearly beloved child worth dying for.
How can you be a life-giver today?
Jesus, my loving Life-Giver, I am so grateful to be included and accepted by you and that you would consider me worth dying for. I thank you for my life with all its joys and challenges, and I offer it to you today as a humble offering. Do with my life whatever you will; use me according to your purposes. Open my eyes and ears to be life-giving to the people around me today. Amen.
Prayer Points
We pray for all those who are sick and suffering, that God may comfort them and bring them back to full health
We pray for the Vuong, Zathang and Zawro families
Micah Award
To Sara for showing love, compassion and service toward others.

To Allan for showing determination and quality in his work.