From the Principal
From the Principal
We have come to the conclusion of Term 3. It has been another difficult and trying term as teachers, students and parents have come to terms with an extended remote learning period. As frustration levels have risen dramatically during this time and lockdown fatigue has hit many of us, it has become very easy to become negative and seek out someone to blame for the situation we find ourselves in. If we are being honest, we have all fallen into this trap at one time or another. I know I have!
As I sit in my office with the sun streaming in on a cloudless day, it has given me the opportunity to reflect on this term and in reality how fortunate and blessed I have been by God.
Yes, the lockdown conditions have been extremely restrictive and have greatly impacted the way in which I live, but God has enabled me to continue my important work in caring for and providing for my family and the members of our school community.
I became quite sick this term and needed to take leave, but this was God forcing me to take care of myself and recover before I became really sick. He provided the school with what it needed as all the staff not only continued with their work but took on extra responsibilities to cover my work.
There were times when I became extremely frustrated with the uncertainty of when the students could return to school because we were not receiving the answers I expected from the state’s Premier. This was God reminding me that I should be showing patience and being gracious for what I already have.
I am sure that upon reflection, you too will be able to
see God’s hand working in your lives at the moment. This reminds me of the famous ‘Footprints in the sand’ poem. Even in our darkest times, he does not leave us but continues to carry us through our journey. I know that he has needed to carry me quite considerably this term and I know he will continue to do this in the future. Let us give praise to God for all the things he has and will continue to do for us.