From the Principal
SRC News
Naplan Breakfast
The Student Representative Council (SRC) provided a series of breakfasts for the Year 3 and 5 students participating in the recent NAPLAN tests. The students had a fabulous start to the day as the SRC prepared and served a very healthy and hearty breakfast on testing days. The SRC members also prepared healthy grazing packs for participating students to nibble on, in order to maximize their mental capabilities during the tests.
Office Bearers
Congratulations to the following students for being voted as SRC Office Bearers for 2021:
Chairperson – Kungthang
Treasurer – Amalie
Secretary – Eunice
We wish them the very best in their important roles this year. We look forward to the leadership they will provide within the SRC and the wider school.
Peer Mediation Program
Sarah and Huai Pui have been busy setting up and coordinating the Peer Mediation program and roster. The Year 3 – 6 students are actively building positive relationships through their roles as peer mediators.
Special Events
During their regular SRC meetings, the students have planned out their calendar of special events for the year. This term the SRC will hold a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ on the last day of the term. Funds raised on this day will go to the Cancer Council. More details will be distributed closer to the event.