From the Principal
Sunshine Christian School is proud of the relationship it has built with the Sunshine Garden Club over many years. This year the garden club celebrated its 100th Anniversary at their annual garden show. The school was excited to be a part of the celebrations by creating a colourful display at the entrance to the show. Ms. Clarke, Mrs. O’Mahoney and Mrs. Qumsieh worked closely with the students to create the elements that formed the display. The garden display consisted of ceramic mushrooms and paper flowers lovingly constructed by the Prep to Year 6 students. The end result was quite stunning!

Congratulations to Mrs. Truong and the students for winning first prize in two categories at the show; ‘Largest Cut Flower’ and ‘Largest Vegetable’.

Last week the Year 3 – 6 students undertook a day’s training in Peer Mediation. Expert Dave Vinegrad led cooperation and listening activities throughout the day, enabling students to understand the importance of mending relationships and to practise the skills involved in Relationship Practices. Our students are now well equipped to deal with any issues that may arise in the playground.