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Devotion – Gather
‘On the first day of the week we came together to break bread’ (Acts 20:7a).
How do we respond to God’s initiative of inviting us into a relationship? We gather in the name of Jesus, to be in relationship with each other.
And in the name of Christ, miraculous things happen. Sometimes we see healing miracles like the one in this text, where the young man fell from the window to his death, and Paul, with Jesus’ power, restored his life.
When we gather to give thanks for Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we always experience the miracles of faith grown, hope restored, and the community that only the Holy Spirit can bring.
As we have faced various restrictions on our ability to gather this year, have you reflected on what gathering means for you as a Christian, as a human?
My daughter has friends who have not grown up in the tradition of gathering weekly to worship God. As loneliness is a significant concern for young people, they think that the fact that she has a group, such as a congregation to which she belongs, is really special. It is a place where, no matter what else is going on in your life, you have something bigger than yourself in which you can turn up and be part.
And God keeps taking the initiative and says: ‘Come; you are welcome here. You are my precious child; you belong, and you are always welcome at my feast’.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for giving yourself so that we may know what it is to live life to the fullest. As we gather in whatever way we can, help us to grow as your body. Amen.
Prayer Points
We give praise to God that we have been able to return to school this term
We pray that all our community may continue to remain virus free and healthy
We ask God to bless and give encouragement to all people who are struggling and facing difficulties during the lockdown
We pray for the Romero, Sae-Yip and Sang families
Micah Award
To KungThang for demonstrating quality and courage in completing his work.