From the Principal
From the Principal
Social distancing. Self-isolation. Worldwide lockdowns. Who would have known a few months ago that these processes would be in place or even that they were a thing? The world has changed and changed quickly. COVID-19 has affected us all in many ways we could never imagine. It has affected our work, our family life and our school.
‘We are all in this together’ is a popular catch cry at the moment, which refers to the call for Australians to rally together in this difficult time. We too, as a school community can adopt this saying when referring to our situation. Whilst every family, staff and student situation is unique, in reality we are all in this together. However there is one difference to our catch cry. We have one other person who is in this with us; that of course is God. He is in this with us as well! He is walking with each of us through this journey, giving us the strength to navigate our way through the difficult times. We thank God that he is taking every step with us.
Remote Learning
The staff have been working incredibly hard to provide quality learning experiences for all our students through our remote learning program. Remote learning is not just a new experience for students and families, but it is also new for the teachers and staff. Their dedication in caring for the students’ spiritual, wellbeing and academic needs has been a true blessing.
We would also like to express a very big thank you to parents for the support you have shown to the school and the teachers in helping to implement the remote learning program. We are very grateful for your efforts. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you need any assistance at home. The Sunshine Christian School Staff are always available to help you in the best manner possible.
As you will be aware, our Business Manager, Sandra Galea, left the school at the end of last term to take up another role. We are very pleased to welcome Mr Fergus Weber, Mrs Jenny Nguyen and Mrs Kalli Green to our team at Sunshine Christian School. Fergus and his team will be fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of the Business Manager at our school. When school returns to normal operations, Jenny will be the primary person working at the school, but we will also see Fergus and Kalli at the school regularly. In the meantime, the Business Manager team will be working diligently to ensure the school continues to run smoothly. You may contact the team via email at or on the school phone 9312 1253. We are looking forward to the expertise that the new team will bring to the school and we wish them every blessing during their time with us.