What we are Learning
Prep/ 1
In the Prep/1 classroom we are looking at the features of 3D shapes.
You can help by asking us to find basic 3D shapes around the house and identify what they are.

Year 2/ 3
In the Year 2/3 classroom we are learning to write interesting narratives by building on a given starter or introduction. You can help by giving an introduction to a story and asking your child to build on it.

Year 3/4
In the Year 3/4 classroom we are learning how to follow a procedure text! You can help at home by letting us help you cook with a recipe, or even giving us some instructions or directions to follow!

Year 5/6
In the Year 5/6 classroom we have started a new topic on angles. We walked around our houses and found every different type of angle. Ask us to name them all for you!