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Devotion – A story of humility
‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?’ (Matthew 6:25). One lunchtime I was watching children happily playing in the sandpit, burying themselves to their waist, smiling, chatting and having a thoroughly good time. A colleague asked me, ‘When did we stop doing that?’ The children gave no thought as to how much sand was making its way into their socks and shoes and other items of clothing, which they would have to deal with afterwards. There was just the pure delight on the children’s faces as they were enjoying their achievements in the gentle May sunshine. Living in the moment. It is so easy to get caught up in the concerns of tomorrow, especially in the present circumstances. Some COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to lift, but how will it impact us in the future? Is it really safe? Will others adhere to the social distancing measures still in place? What will we do when we have to start paying our loans again? It is hard to focus on today with all this hanging over our heads. Where we invest our time and thoughts makes a big difference. Peter offers some advice: ‘Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you’ (1 Peter 5:7). Notice he doesn’t say ‘some of your worries’. He has promised to be with us, today, tomorrow and the days after that. So it follows that he will be there to guide, sustain, equip, comfort, provide, love and care for us each day. With this confidence, maybe we can notice and enjoy the blessings that are given to us in the moment and allow them to refresh our souls … today. Dear Father God, thank you for holding me close to your heart. Thank you for taking my worries and cares. Thank you for the moments you give me each day. Help me to recognise them. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Prayer Points
We give thanks for the school staff who dedicate their time and effort to providing a safe and enjoyable learning environment for the students
We pray for the members of St Matthew’s congregation as they search for a new pastor
We pray for the vulnerable people in our community and ask that God protects and comforts them
We pray for the Laiteng, Lam and Lian families
Micah Award
To Olivia for showing courage and perseverance

To Eunice for demonstrating a good work ethic and compassion to others