From the Principal
From the Principal
Forgiveness is quite often something that we find easy to seek, but hard to grant. We can find it easy to ask someone for forgiveness if we have wronged them; however, when the tables are turned, it is often difficult to forgive when we feel we have been wronged, especially if there is a lack of a positive relationship. What we need to understand is that although genuine forgiveness can be a difficult process, it is a clear biblical command given to us and it is made possible through the grace of God.
Forgiveness is breaking the cycle of ‘un-grace’; it is choosing to pardon the wrongs others have done to us and seeking pardon for the wrongs we have done to others. Forgiveness often comes with pain and can involve stepping over our hurt. Forgiveness means forgiving not because it is deserved by the other person, but because we have been forgiven undeservedly by God. Forgiveness releases both ourselves and others, enabling new beginnings; a fresh start.
What greater example do we have of forgiveness than our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus forgave those who persecuted and crucified him, he instructs us to follow his example. Ephesians 4:32 says ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.’
Forgiveness is one of our school values. As individuals and as a school community we ask God to give us the strength to pardon the wrongs others have done to us, seek pardon for the wrongs we have done to others and ask mercy from our Father in heaven. In doing so, we can focus on making a new start.
School Choir
On Sunday, the members of the school choir participated in the worship service at St Matthew’s Lutheran Church. The students read the bible readings and led the prayers as well as singing three songs. As always the choir were well prepared by Mrs Francis and sang like angels, uplifting everyone in the service. We thank the students and families for being a part of the service and St Matthew’s for helping the ties between school and church to continue to strengthen.